Leadership is the role model for the transformation to follow. We help leaders make
the transformation personal, role model the change, openly engage others, and highlight
success. We also help build competency and commitment within the leadership team.
Our leadership effectiveness offerings include the following :
- Leadership development.
- Key talent management.
- Women in leadership.
- Leadership coaching.
Our leadership work involves both men and women leaders. We are more focusing on
helping women work through their personal and organizational barriers to their growth
as leaders.
We also help organizations develop a talent pool for the future by indentifying
and nurturing key talent through a comprehensive program based on competencies.
Our leadership work also involves developing a leadership vision and helping to
develop 2ndlevel leadership within the organization through a "shadowing approach".
Tools like 360-degree feedback, leadership personality profiling (using psychometric
tools like MBTI, FIRO, Big 5 etc.) are used in this process.
Leadership coaching is also undertaken when needed. We also offer special programs
for leaders to create an environment that encourages diversity of people and diversity
of thought.